Wednesday, May 12, 2010

One day closer...

As the day ends I find myself one day closer to graduation. Granted, I still have a lot of days left until graduation (289...not that I'm counting) but everyday marks a mini milestone. Everyday I grow more confident in my adjusting skills, and everyday I learn more and more from my staff doctors.

For example, today we had a "mentor meeting" where Dr. Carpenter explained work place ergonomics. Dr. Carpenter started the class with a definition of workplace ergonomics (it's basically bad posture that leads to even worse pain) and continued with a sample patient. There were about 5-6 students present (talk about a 1 on 1 education!) and we brainstormed differential diagnosis (all the potential things that could be wrong with the patient), treatment plans, exercises and advise for our pretend patient. Together, and with the help of Dr. Carpenter, we came up with a protocol to treat our "patient".

No sooner than Dr. Carpenter gave his leacture, my patient walked in complaining of pain in her left shoulder. She described it as a pain that started in her shoulder and traveled down into her hand making her fingers numb. After asking a few more questions about her history, I was able to determine that her symptoms were most likely due to bad workplace ergonomics. She was constatntly leaning on one side of her chair and it was creating a pressue in her arm which led to the pain and tingling. Just to make sure, I discussed the case with Dr. Carpenter (The staff doctors are always there to help you in case you get stuck and to guide you with adjusting/treating the patient) and we adjusted her. She felt immediately better, and the three of us discussed minor changes she could make to her posture to help reduce the problem.

It was perfect! We improved the patient's condition and I had an educated diagnosis as to the cause of her problem. The best part is-- STUFF LIKE THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME AT PALMER. My POD (POD is what we call the group of doctors I'm assigned to. There are 3 "POD'S" in the main clinic) has mentor meetings 4 times a day! The doctors teach about topics from sinus infections to disc herniation. Each one is focused on how chiropractic can help treat the problem.

The staff doctors and teachers are ALWAYS there to help you. I've never come across a teacher who will not take the time to personally answer questions or share information. The teachers at Palmer seem to LIVE to teach their students. Many of them have either owned or currently still own their own practices, so they have clinical chiropractic experience. After spending time in clinic, it's no suprise that Palmer has such a strong reputation for producing the BEST CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTORS around. The teachers care about the students and as a result- good students graduate as GREAT DOCTORS!

Only 289 days until I walk across that stage as a PALMER GRAD! I'm going to learn as much as I can....

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