Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My first....

Hi all!

My name is Mary, and I'm an 8th trimester student here at Palmer College of Chiropractic (PCC). I've been here for a little over 2 years now, and have had many firsts. My first all nighter (studying for PNS), my first failing grade on a test (after not studying ENOUGH for PNS), my first patient (thanks Kim- for being my "guinea pig") and my first adjustment (glad my patient walked out feeling better than he did walking in!) All of these "firsts" I EXPECTED to encounter during my 3 year journey here at Palmer. BUT----My first blog!? I never thought I'd write my first blog as a Palmer student. Yet, here we are. You are reading my first blog, and I hope you will continue to read my second, third, fourth and on and on. At least until I graduate next Feb, and maybe even beyond as a Palmer Alum...

I hope that as a perspective student you will read my blogs as often as I post them, because I'll try to cover all the questions I had when I was in your shoes. Where to live? How big is the average class size? What are the teachers like? How much do you REALLY have to study? Where is the mall? Are there even fun things to do in the Quad Cities? You know- all those important questions that you don't remember to ask before you come here. Not only that- but I'll give you answers from a student's perspective. I've been there- done that, and I want you to learn from my mistakes.

In addition to answering your questions- I get to talk about my life as a student. What my day is like from clinic to class. My life on campus (and off) and all of the great teachers and experiences I've had at Palmer. I've survived "the hard part" of this program and now my job is to help you get through- from your first day to your last.

My only request from you is simple--- Just ask me questions! Give me suggestions on what you would like me to blog about. Clinic? Patients? Living in the QCA? Tell me what you love and what you hate. If you've never used a blog before, it's simple. Just post a comment or email me at palmerbloggermary@gmail.com. I'll get back to you as soon as I can- with every resource I have. I'll find the answer!

So, thanks for being "my first" and I look forward to giving you a little insight on ME: A CHIROPRACTOR-TO-BE!

Chiropractically Yours,


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