Sunday, August 1, 2010

FAQ: What tri is the best to start?

I know I said last week that I would answer your questions about living on student loans, but I had a special request to cover this particular question about when the best time to start classes at Palmer is! Thanks for the inspiration Marlaina! ;)

[***If you want the "cliff note" version of this blog... scroll down to the bottom of the page and read the bold text. If you want the low down in more detail then read on....]

SO- technically I can only speak to what I know personally, and I maybe a bit bias on the subject, but I think the best time to start is in the Fall trimester (OCT/NOV). I'm sure you'll get varied opinions if you ask people who started in the Spring and Summer, but logistically speaking- a fall start is AWESOME!

Let me back up and start at the beginning here for those of you who don't know how Palmer Davenport works. School is year round. The year is broken into 3 trimesters (tir's). Each tri is approximately 4 months long. In between tri's you have a small "break" before you move onto the next tri. Once you matriculate into Palmer (matriculate means start) you will no longer be referred to as a freshman, sophomore, etc. You will be referred to as a trimester. (Ex. I'm in 9th tri and I'm able to be in clinic. 2nd tri has a reputation for being the most difficult. 4th tri is known as the "easy" tri). After finals are passes at the end of the tri- you progress on- closer to the day when you can finally be called a Doctor!

There is always a class graduating and always a class beginning their first tri on campus. We have 3 options as to when you can begin your 1st tri at Palmer. The first "class" of the year is in the Spring (March). The second is the Summer class (July) and the third is the Fall class (Oct/Nov). I started with the Oct/Nov class of 2007, and was happy I did. It's your decision about when to start, and honestly it really won't matter that much, but here are some of the pros/cons of beginning in the fall:

-If you are beginning Palmer right after undergrad, you get "one more" summer break to enjoy sitting around!

-Because most people choose to have that last "summer" the Fall class is typically the largest size!

-You'll start 1st tri and most likely feel homesick and totally overwhelmed. Just about the time this happens- you get Thanksgiving and Christmas break!

-Within the first three trimesters (basically the first year at Palmer) your hardest tri will be 2nd tri. It's difficult not only because the classes are progressively harder than 1st tri classes; but you also have more lab practicals to study for. Between class and lab- you're on campus from 7:30am to sometimes 7pm or later. BUT- who cares? You're in 2nd tri when the weather is cold and miserable anyway. There's not much to do in -40 degree winter weather except go to class and study!

-As the city thaws out about mid April, you're just wrapping up 2nd tri finals and you can truly enjoy your summer break knowing you have the hardest part of school behind you.

-As next winter approaches (calendar wise the longest trimester) you'll be in 4th tri. 4th tri is comparably easier than tri 1-3 and as you'd expect- you have a Thanksgiving and Christmas break in which you can actually relax and enjoy with your family. (In 1st-3rd tri expect to be studying your butt off over break. You usually have a test or two the day you get back from break in 1-3rd tri; but most likely not in 4th tri.)

-If you begin in Nov, you will be eligible to take your National Board exam in March a year after your start date. Boards is held only twice a year. Once in March and once in Sept. Taking boards in March is a lot easier for several reasons- March boards occur the first week or so of a new tri, so not much has happened in your class. September board exams occur in the middle of the tri, so more than likely you not only have to worry about taking boards, but your teachers have exams in class around that time as well. In March, you have a week break right before you begin your new classes and all you have to worry about is studying boards stuff- none of your Palmer classes. Plus, it's March! It's cold! It gets dark early and once again, unless you enjoy feeling like a Popsicle- there's not much to do in Iowa in the middle of winter.

Ok, Ok- so I know most of you thinking about beginning school aren't even thinking about taking your national boards over a year after you start- so I'll cut to the chase-

*****I really liked starting in November, but it really doesn't matter when you start! Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. I recommend starting right away if you feel really motivated to get going. If you think you need a few months off before you get started- start a tri later. The important thing is not WHEN you start, but THAT you start. Time is going to go by whether you're at Palmer or not--- might as well be at Palmer!


  1. Hello and thank you for taking time to create this blog with your busy schedule. I planning on becoming a Chiropractic student in 2011 and I have been going over and over the benefits of each school from: technique and science to philosophy; student teacher ratio; morale of professors; tuition; creating your business post grad and location. It is becoming dizzying. From what I can tell it really all depends on the individual and what they want out of their experience and what they currently bring to the table. I was wondering if you ever communicate with other Chiropractic students at other institutions and could give me any of their insight as well. Just as an FYI other than Palmer (and West) I am considering Life University of Georgia Logan College and Life West. I appreciate any info that you can give. And yes of course I know you will be a bit biased but I'm still curious. Thanks in advance and Best Wishes for you in your career!

  2. Hey ColdDiva-

    Sorry for the delay in response, I just noticed your comment.... I would love to give you more insight on this topic, and I'm sure many more people have the same questions so I've geared my next blog towards you....

    Thanks for reading!!!
